自分への祝福 | 寫給自己的祝福|Blessings from my soul
Beautiful day
Breezing wind
Shinning water
Living with the love of Gaia
Embrace the light of source
Walking on the sand beach
Soaking feet into the ocean
I am embraced by mother Gaia’s womb
Dancing cheerfully among the stars
Chanting joyfully among the cosmo
I am completely loved by the source
The best way to help other people is
by very simply just being ourselves.
Being who we are.
Shinning from our soul essence.
Being the medicine the gift that
brings healing and joy everywhere we go.
Sharing the light, the light of the source that shines from within us.
May everyone be peaceful be free be joyful
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu